Andy Cook, Author at Lehigh Valley Marketplace - Page 3 of 3's Posts

Home Office

8 Steps to a Successful Home Office

Do you have a home office? Most households do, whether it is used for the family computer, managing a home-based business, working from home, or taking classes online. The ‘office’ can be something as mobile as wherever you place your laptop (e.g. the kitchen counter, the dining room table), a specific space (the corner of a room, a converted closet), or a dedicated room (... »

Car Care Aware

Car Care Aware

This was quite the winter, wasn’t it? If it wasn’t record-breaking snowfall in January, it was slick, icy roads, likely coated with road salt and brine. So with all that winter buildup, how do we make sure our cars are ready for Spring? Taking care of some basic maintenance issues now can avoid them from turning into expensive and dangerous problems. Jack Dungan, Service D... »

7 Remodeling Mistakes to Avoid

7 Remodeling Mistakes to Avoid

  Our homes are typically our single largest purchase and investment. Given that, it’s critical when considering doing work to renovate or remodel your home, you avoid some common mistakes that often occur. If you take even a few of these to heart, it could save you stress, time, and even money. Chuck Hamilton, executive officer, Lehigh Valley Builders Association, ha... »

Disconnecting in a Connected World

Disconnecting in a Connected World

Do you check your email before you’ve gotten out of bed? Do you have a Pavlovian response when your phone bings, buzzes or beeps? Have you interrupted a conversation, an intimate moment, or a family meal with real people because there’s a new post on social media? If this sounds like you (and no judgment here – this is about awareness!), perhaps you’re a good candidate for... »

Fabulous Floors

Fabulous Floors

Did you know that your flooring makes the single largest impact in your home? With a home being typically the single largest investment a person makes, taking the time to investigate and select the right flooring to meet your needs and lifestyle is time well spent. Unlike cars or fashion, whose styles change with each year, you’d be hard pressed to identify a floor’s model... »

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