Organize Your Closet and Your Life

Organize Your Closet and Your Life

An Interview with Victory Closets

I’ve been in my current home for almost 8 years, and it’s great. Really. However, like many of you, I could use more closet space. To gain some perspective and objectivity on the subject, Greg Ahart, the owner and founder of Victory Closets (, and Mike Endres, franchise owner of Victory Closets of Greater Berks and Lehigh, offered some great advice on how to tackle what might seem an unwieldly task.

Where should people begin when wanting to “get organized”?
Greg suggests starting by going through your closet and donating and removing anything you haven’t used or worn in the last few years. “Once you’ve thinned out your closet, it’s much easier to see the type of storage you actually need,” he said, and doing this will also simplify the process. Mike added, “I like to sort through items for things to donate, throw away, and keep, so my space is not overwhelmed, and I have room for new things.”

How do I know if I need to engage a professional?
If you’re not comfortable with your design and carpentry skills, or don’t have the proper tools, you should leave this to the pros. Greg says that “closet organizers are one of the best upgrades you can make to your home. It not only increases your resale value, but more importantly, it’s something you’ll enjoy using every day.” It’s also important to consider function first. A great closet is one that neatly organizes your clothing while making it easy to access at the same time.

What are important things to keep in mind when researching closet organizers or systems?
When you’re hiring any professional, read their online reviews and check their references. Greg says it’s also important to ask about guarantees with the products and services, and the adjustability of the closet system. Mike added that it’s also important to be comfortable with the costs you’re paying and the budget you’ve set.

What about how organizers are constructed? Either a DIY or a professional storage system will be an upgrade to your home and will be used every day, so it should be built to last for years. The installation of your system is just as important as the product. “Closet systems need to hold a lot of weight, so fastening into the wall framing instead of drywall anchors is always a good idea,” Greg shared.

What kinds of organizers are there?
There are typically two types of closet systems: wall-mounted (where the pieces hang off a wall-mounted rail), or floor-mounted (which are attached to the floor and walls). Greg says if you select a floor-mounted system, consider replacing dated or worn out flooring first, as it’s more difficult to change flooring after this type of system is installed. Another tip: this is also a great time to brighten the interior of your closet with a fresh coat of paint.

How do professional closet systems differ from what the big box DIY stores sell?
Big box stores sell organizer systems to fit standard closet sizes. Professional systems are custom, designed for your unique needs and your closet dimensions. Greg says the biggest benefit to a professional closet system from Victory Closets is that after it’s installed, you can easily reconfigure your closet as your needs change, without tools or fasteners. “We also can come out to your house for a design consultation. Or, you can easily email us your dimensions and we can work with you on a design and price quote without any need to disrupt your busy schedule,” Greg says. Another plus: Victory Closets guarantees their closet system for as long as you live in your home.

I only have 30 minutes: What can I do to start getting my closets organized?
Greg says start with the something you can do easily: separate clothing by what you wear the most and what you wear the least. By neatly folding or hanging up your most used clothing (and placing the less frequently worn clothes elsewhere), this declutters the closet while helping you to take a hard look at clothing you may not need anymore. Mike suggests starting with the bigger pieces to have the most impact, as once your majority is organized, you’ll have time left for the specifics.    


Closet organizers are a great investment, however consider the following before you begin!

1. A great closet starts with a great design. Use the internet and see how others have done it successfully.

2. Are you maximizing all of your usable storage space?  Don’t forget about hidden space (near the floor or think vertically near the ceiling).

3. Put function first. A great looking system that doesn’t meet your needs will annoy you on a daily basis.

4. What’s the budget? A custom closet system can be beautiful and functional, without breaking the bank. 

5. Versatility: will your closet system be able to adjust to your future needs? 


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