Be Well

Live Your Best Year Yet in 2018

Live Your Best Year Yet in 2018

Use positive thinking to live the life of your dreams. Seriously. What if everything you knew about attraction was wrong? No, I’m not talking about the attraction between magnets—nor the attraction between soulmates. Opposite magnets do attract, of course, as occasionally do opposite soulmates. The law of attraction operates quite differently—oppositely, in fact. The princ... »



All too often, men stay quiet while facing physical and mental hardship. They may be concerned about worrying their friends and family, being a burden to others, or believe they just need to “man up” in the hopes that their struggles will go away. Considering that men die six years younger than women across the globe on average—with reasons for death being chiefly preventa... »

When It’s Cancer

When It’s Cancer

Eighty-seven. Thirty-one. Two. These are numbers Sarah Trimmer is well acquainted with. The first is the percentage of likelihood a woman will develop breast cancer due to mutated breast cancer susceptibility genes. Thirty-one represents how old Sarah was when she found out the matriarchs in her family carry the faulty genes. And two is how many times Sarah has survived br... »

Stem Cell Therapy

Stem Cell Therapy

Tennis elbow, runner’s knee—sometimes there are pains in our bodies that we just learn to live with. Other times, when the pain is too much to bear or has begun to interfere with everyday life, surgery may become an option. But what if surgery wasn’t the only option? What if there were a non-invasive treatment that brings the hope of recovery, or at least reduces the pain?... »

Therapy Dogs

Therapy Dogs

Sergeant Yanzsa could very well be the Lehigh Valley’s busiest volunteer. He visits the elderly, brings smiles to the homebound, listens intently as young students practice reading aloud, and spends time at events recruiting like-minded citizens to serve their communities. Sergeant, known to most as “Sarge,” is quite a unique volunteer: he’s only six years old. He has big ... »

Always Tired? Maybe It’s Sleep Apnea

Always Tired? Maybe It’s Sleep Apnea

During a routine checkup in 2015, Jeanette Dauphin mentioned to her physician she was always tired. Because of the exhaustion, she sometimes had difficulty focusing during the day and rarely had the energy to stick with an exercise routine. Jeanette never questioned why she felt this way, chalking it up to her myriad responsibilities. “Women are just used to being tired. W... »

Sweat Like a Girl

Sweat Like a Girl

I am awesome. At least, this is what I’ve just been told. It’s moments after the Supergirl class at Sweat Like a Girl has ended. In the past hour, I have performed an unfathomable amount of burpees and squats, consumed 40 ounces of water, and, perhaps most importantly, been told how awesome I am by Heather Gidusko, the gym’s owner. Here’s the thing: I didn’t want to like b... »

7 Ways to Shape Up for Summer

7 Ways to Shape Up for Summer

This just in: for the thousandth year in a row, “diet and exercise” is—and will always be—the best way to stay svelte year-round. We know the solution, of course, but getting there isn’t always as simple. How do we create nutritious meals around obstacles like diabetes and gluten sensitivities? What kind of exercises can we do when we have arthritis or we’re recovering fro... »

HomeBody Challenge

HomeBody Challenge

Ten pounds. Thirty pounds. A new backyard patio. More kitchen counter space. Time, money, and energy. These are the things standing between you and your ideal body, between you and your ideal house—perhaps between you and your ideal life. Certified strength and conditioning specialist Joe Arangio—“Coach Joe” as he’s known in the gym—and his wife Sharon, a health coac... »

The Power of Being Present

The Power of Being Present

I am driving home from work, going the same way that I’ve always gone. My hands instinctively know by now to tilt the wheel a little bit to the right as I rumble over the first set of railroad tracks, to the left when I hit the second. I know which yellow lights are forgiving, where the potholes are, the construction schedule. Memory chauffeurs me home while I alternate be... »

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