Letter From the Editor

Dear Readers,

Balance. Webster defines it as, “a state in which different things occur in equal or proper amounts; remaining in a position without losing control or falling.” Sounds simple, right? Sounds like we should be able to maintain a healthy life balance quite easily, right? Not so fast.

Most of us know we work – whether paid or unpaid, full-time or part-time – too much and spend too little time having fun with family and friends. Never mind, the time we should be dedicating just to ourselves. We long for balance. But with the pressures and pace of life, how do we step off this crazy merry-go-round?

I think about this a lot. And, not coming up with too many answers on my own, I started asking people what makes a good work-life balance for them. What I found out was that there is no perfect, one-size fits all answer. The best work-life balance is different for each of us because we all have different priorities and different lives.

But, one answer in my research really stuck with me. Someone said, “I just want to achieve something today and I want to enjoy something today. And if I do both of those things today, I’m going to have a pretty good day. And if I do both of those things every day, for the rest of my life… I’m going to have a pretty good life.” So, for now, as I continue to try to maintain a good life balance, my first step is to adopt and follow that same mantra, “Achieve and Enjoy.”

If you’re looking for others who excel at finding balance, turn to page 14. You’ll discover the story about the Ballet Guild of the Lehigh Valley, an organization dedicated to fostering the art of theatre dance, primarily classical ballet. As Jennifer Altemose, the organization’s president, tells us, “Whether a dancer is 3 or 73, participating in dance will have an enormous positive impact on their lives.” Hmmmm. Balance in more ways than one. I like it.

So, my hope for all of you is that you find ways to create the balance in your life that makes you happy.

Achieve and Enjoy!

Amy Hines, Editor

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